Prices & dates

Orion Models – anticipated production schedule – as at 01/01/24 This may (will?) slip
All locos and coaches are Gauge 1 – scale as stated – older etches mostly 10mm scale

Radio Control

Please note that all my locos (whether kit or Ready-to-run) come with my new (& unique) computerised radio control system. Full details of the latter will appear on this website when it is ready. See here for a hint.

OSM – lower cost option

Tank locos can be powered by an oscillating steam motor (OSM) at lower cost (maybe £130 less).
A carry box (customised for each loco design) can be provided at extra cost.

Inflation warning

Please note that prices may change as my costs change – I will keep my profit at a constant level, but the prices of parts and materials that I buy in may change with the current volatility of the pound causing suppliers to change their prices as material costs fluctuate plus the return of inflation.


All locos and coaches are provided with fully illustrated instructions which can be downloaded from Google Docs before you buy. Even the old ones are still available via links on the appropriate model page on this website.
The newer ones (not GWR 56XX, SECR H (10mm) & SR Q1 (10mm)) have exploded drawings to make assembly easier. The 10mm scale SECR H & SR Q1 have simpler illustrated instructions – photos, not exploded drawings – however the 1/32 scale versions will have the latest standard exploded drawing instructions.

NEW – October 2020 (revised February 2024):-

            I have now decided to offer electric versions of all my locos – prices approximately half that of the steam versions. Depends largely on what motor, gearbox and battery you specify, or decide to provide yourself.
            Also I was supplying my older 10mm scale locos (GWR 56XX, SECR H & SR Q1) as kits or ready to run. Latest mechanical specification but not up to the current  standards of simple etch assembly, or illustrated instructions. The 56XX has now been dropped as it is really not up to current standards. The 10mm versions of both the SECR H class and SR Q1 will probably be dropped as soon as the 1/32 versions are available. The Q1 MAY continue in 10mm scale, but only if there is sufficient demand.
            Pull-push castings set for LSWR M7 etc – probably about £50. Westinghouse pump, regulator cylinder, release valve, electric box, main & back pressure    tanks. Only 3 of the BR liveried M7s were not fitted with these. Can be fitted to other SR locos too.

I am now taking orders for the following:-

  – ** please note for these locos this excludes the new R/C system (not designed for it – generation 2 designs):- I will try to bring the RtR versions up to current standard

LocoRtR priceKit priceScaleComment
LSWR T9 (4-4-0, 8-wheel tender)£4000£20001/32Click here for details
LMS 3F class (0-6-0T) – only 2 left – future locos will be to 1/32 scale. Price held for existing orders.£2100£130010mmClick here for details
GWR 14XX (0-4-2T)£2000£120010mmClick here for details
LSWR Adams Radial tank (4-4-2T)£2100£13501/32Click here for details
GWR Collett Goods (0-6-0)£3800£18001/32Click here for details
LSWR M7 (0-4-4T)£2100£13501/32Click here for details
SECR H class (0-4-4T) **£2100£135010mmClick here for details
SECR H class (0-4-4T)£2100£13501/32Click here for details
SR Q1 class (0-6-0) ** – see below for revised 1/32 version£3700£170010mmClick here for details
SR Q1 class (0-6-0)£3800£18001/32Click here for details
GWR AEC Railcar (Flying Banana)£1000£7001/32Click here for details
To follow later – GWR tenders1/32Click here for details
  Manual for electric power  £1200£500
         Manual for gas fired steam£1300£600
        Radio controlled for electric power£1400£650
        Radio controlled for steam power£1500£750
To follow later
GWR Bulldog (4-4-0) + tender£4000£20001/32
GWR double framed 4-4-0s – most of them! Including relevant tender£4000£20001/32
LSWR T3  (4-4-0, 6-wheel tender)£4000£20001/32
SR Q1 class (0-6-0) – 10mm updated£3800£180010mm
Metropolitan Railway E class (0-4-4T)£2100£13501/32
LNER N2 (0-6-2T) £2100£13501/32
LMS Tilbury tank (4-4-2T)£2100£13501/32
Much later –
LNER J69 (0-6-0T) – OSM only, not enough room for valvegear – 10mm scale probably – this is a VERY small loco£1870£107010mm

More future locos – all 1/32 scale:-

GWR Steam rail motor – both steam and electric versions + Auto Trailer (as preserved at Didcot)
LNER J15 (0-6-0)
LSWR O2 (0-4-4T)
GWR 57XX (0-6-0PT)
LNER B12 (4-6-0)
GWR Dean Goods (0-6-0)
Ransomes & Rapier 45T breakdown crane – fully motorised with custom R/C system

Pre-rolled (and possibly painted) boiler cladding

     Now that I have acquired my own rollers, I have decided to to pre-roll the boiler cladding for all kits. Additionally, for non-black boilers only, I am offering an optional service of etch priming and spraying the boiler in the final colour. With my transfer system the boiler is usually the only area (other than vermilion for buffer beams and inside the frames) that will require spraying a colour other than black. This service will save you the cost of buying paint just for the boiler. Priced normally at £20 this will be reduced to £15 if I am in the process of spraying other boilers the same colour.
     Please note that I am NOT offering to paint oddly coloured frames (e.g. some LSWR & SECR locos, amongst others) as those are best painted after assembly.

Etches (direct from Orion Models) and design drawings only –

Tender locos from £320 in nickel silver    prices will vary with number of etched sheets
Tank locos                   from £201 in nickel silver    prices will vary with number of etched sheets
Complete transfer sets for each loco – full lining, coloured panels, customised numbers – see separate leaflet – NOTE these really only fit my etches – price  varies according to size – SECR H class is £40 for complex SECR lining, < £30 for others – direct from Orion Models

G1MRA Dee & ARM1G loco designs

DEErivatives are loco designs based around the G1MRA DEE loco design – using this as a basis provides simple to build locos with a proven mechanism. This has now been upgraded to use the ARM1G cylinders and my remotely reversible Southern valvegear. Outside cylinder locos with inside valvegear (e.g. LSWR Adams Radial Tank) use Stephenson’s valvegear and a modified ARM1G block for the inside valves.
I have now dropped the DEErivates description as the current models have moved well beyond the original DEE design.

Coach kits will be available to match most of the loco kits above.

The objective is to make available a complete branch line train kit (small tank loco + 2 coaches) for just over £2000.

PRICE REDUCTION – Coach kits are now expected to cost around £420 for a bogie coach, half that for a 4-wheeler, 2/3 that for a 6-wheeler
The GWR Railcars will obviously cost more as they require motive power (OSM steam or Electric for the SRM, Electric only for AEC Railcar) and include my R/C system. Price not yet decided for the SRM, but expect something similar to a small tank loco.  £700 for the AEC railcars.
See the coach kit construction page here for details of materials and contents. The coach types illustrated here are the LMS PI Suburbans, but all coach construction is extremely similar.

Coaches in approximate order of production (all 1/32 scale) –

LMS PI Suburban set – for LMS 3F                                                                                     click here for details
compo D1701, 3rd D1700, brake 3rd D1703

GWR AEC Railcar (Flying Banana) – Diagrams W, X & Y – No.s 5 to 17                             click here for details

SECR Birdcage Trio A set – for SECR H class and D class brake compo – sketch S2322/2, diagram 159
compo lav’y – sketch S2311/2, diagram 313 brake compo lav’y – sketch S2322/1, diagram 158
there may be a possibilty of these SECR carriages in 10mm scale – etch done, just need interiors

LSWR “4½” set – for LSWR T9      30′ PBV DB79B, 48′ 3rd D713, 48′ brake 3rd D606, 48′ compo D758

LSWR Pull-push sets for LSWR Adams Radial, O2 and M7
Weddel drawings 6.11 (ex 6.10a/c) also 6.10a/b/d for T9 (Diagrams 118, 265, 269 & 271)

GWR branch sets – for GWR 14XX
      A28 autocoach – see Bowaters Models (& others possibly) for E140 B-set

GWR SRM R and matching auto trailer U (as preserved at Didcot)

LNER Quad/Quin art set – for LNER N2      3rd D73, 3rd D75, 3rd D74, brake 3rd D72B, compo D70A,
Quin brake 3rd D85

GWR Toplights – for GWR Bulldog    A9, C79, D45, E82, E85, E88, E95, F15, K22 – I am hoping someone else will do these as I have not yet done the 2D drawings for these

GWR Clerestories – for GWR Dean bogie single    A4, C10, C14, D7, E57, K14 (non-clerestory) – see Bowaters Models (& others possibly)

IoWR 4-wheelers for LSWR O2

LSWR 6-wheelers

BR Mk 1’s now dropped – see other suppliers

Older models

Some older models are available from  Just The Ticket. Call Roger Melton on 01980 610058 for prices and details.
Kits available from JTT (all 10mm scale) include – SECR H class (0-4-4T), SR Q1 (0-6-0), GWR 56XX (0-6-2T)
Please note that I do not provide support for loco kits NOT supplied by Orion Models

Future Models

Future models will probably only be available direct from Orion Models, so supply will be limited.