See the menus above for the various models available –
Design & construction information
LMS & constituents
LNER & constituents – none yet, but coming soon
SR & constituents
Design & construction information
GWR – none yet, but coming soon
LMS & constituents
LNER & constituents – none yet, but coming soon
SR & constituents
Price lists
References & prototype information
My original intention was to provide a potted history of each loco – but if you are reading this online you obviously have access to the Wikipedia pages so it seems pointless to duplicate those.
The references I give here are the ones I have used to design the models – Wikipedia gives some more (the LSWR lists are usually more comprehensive than the GWR ones).
I shall confine myself to various details of interest to modellers that are often missed by other sources.
If you are trying to produce an accurate model at any particular time there is probably no real substitute for photos of the actual loco. Unfortunately you will rarely find a good enough supply of these, so a little guesswork is probably required.
The RCTS books will give loco numbers and a history of some changes for GWR & LNER locos.
The Locomotives Illustrated magazines also give loco numbers and some change dates.
All the references are recommended reading, but are mostly out of print now. You may be able to find second hand copies via railway book specialist dealers, or websites such as With luck they may be reasonably priced, but sometimes are just ludicrously expensive.
Original works drawings are often available from the NRM (if you know the right drawing number!).
When you buy a model I can also supply comprehensive drawings that contain all the relevant detail from the original works drawings but in a format that is easier to understand. Please note I do not sell the drawings separately.
Note that links to the full size locos may occasionally fail as they move around the country.