BR 08 shunter – complete kit with R/C & battery options 1/32 scale
BR’s ubiquitous diesel electric shunter – derived from the similar LMS loco with smaller wheels (which became class 11).
1193 were built including derivatives.
The kit is complete with 2 motors and wiring ready for track pickup. There is an R/C option available.
Please note the initial batch of these locos has now sold out – but see below.
There is a possibility that etches for a BR class 11 may become available – direct from Orion Models only.
One of my second generation loco kits – see here for explanation.
The etches are not quite up to current standards, but this is still the only body/chassis kit designed for a 1/32 scale Gronk (as far as I know).
Not too difficult to assemble, but lots of surface detail – far better than my first generation. The new version (when I do it) will be simpler to assemble and have exploded drawings to assist in the assembly – this version will be brought up to my current standards.
I intend to put this back into production with a single motor and 3D printed (UV setting resin) body. This will be much easier to assemble and bring the cost down a bit. My computer controlled R/C system is included but you will need to provide your own phone or tablet as the controller. Controls will include speed and reverse (with speed feedback to the controller) and couplings so you can use this as a truly remote shunter. Price will be announced when I have worked it out!
Wikipedia http:s//
Marsden Modern Locos Illustrated 202 Key Publishing
Preserved locos – too many to link to here – see the Wikipedia page for further links.
Click here to download the following from Google Drive –
Loco instructions – too many to list here
Click here to download the punching rivets PDF from Google Drive and other common PDF documents
See the assembly instructions PDF for assembly photos