Special offers

Offer 1 – 2 DEE kits

    These have become available due to cancelled orders (my fault – I took too long to make them – blame it on the house move/rebuilding)

   They are a VERY special offer in that I do not intend to build any more (too many orders for other locos).
   The kits are nearly to SuperKit specification – just the detailed backhead missing. Gas fired only available. 10mm scale only
  Prices –         Superkit    £1800
  Transfers are included with the kits.

I should have one of these at the next show – whenever that is.

Offer 2 – SR Q1 prototype (10mm scale), built etches

I have decided sell the remaining part built (never run) SR Q1 (10mm) parts – see Q1 page here for photos. These are just assembled etches – normal etch cost £445 + postage.
At the show I will have the assembled loco and tender – special offer at £600.
I will also have a nearly fully assembled tender plus loco etches – special offer at £500.
NOTE:- these have no wheels, boiler or mechanical parts provided or fitted.

Offer 3 – LMS 3F prototype (10mm scale) – ready-to-run

I have also decided to sell the ready-to-run prototype of the LMS 3F in 10mm scale (see here) – this will give me storage space for a new 1/32 scale prototype. The only running this loco will have done by the end of the show is initial testing and the show itself plus a bit of shunting for video production. This will be available at the end of the show for £1900.

The SECR H class prototype in 10mm scale has already been converted to electric power and sold so only leaves me with the GWR 14XX prototype in 10mm scale. I will be keeping that as it is unlikely it will be replaced by a 1/32 scale version due to the small size of the boiler.