This loco is at an early stage of design – hopefully it will not take long. It is largely derived from 2 of my current LSWR locos – the T9 and the O415 (Adams radial tank). It is basically a T9 with shorter boiler/smokebox using the outside cylinders and inside Stephenson’s valvegear of the O415. The tender is a bit shorter than the T9 being a 6-wheeler rather than twin bogies but that should have little impact on the design (see the GWR tenders here for a similar design). There will, of course, be cosmetic differences to keep the loco model to a true 1/32 scale.
So overall it is all proven technology and should go together quickly.

I hope to have this model in production in time for the newly restored full size loco going back into service next year on the Swanage Railway.

Drawings will appear here as the design progresses.